Friday, June 28, 2013

Considering Summer Camp For Your Celiac Child?

 It is that time of year! School is out for the summer, and kids will be out playing. Some kids will be venturing off to summer camp. Summer camp is an amazing rite of passage for children. They can play, learn new skills, and make life-long friends with other kids at camp. However, if your a child with Celiac Disease, it could be a stressful time, for both child and parent.

The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness has a list of summer camps that are completely gluten free. Celiacs, and non-Celiac gluten sensitive children can go to these overnight camps, without worry of cross-contamination during mealtimes. Most of these camps have multiple sessions, and the camps are spread out across the country (

If you do not live near any of these camps listed on the NFCA website, you may consider a day camp nearby. With day camps, you will be able to send your child off with a gluten free lunch. However, it is suggested that you alert the camp staff ahead of time, that your child has Celiac Disease. Sometimes, day camps hold special event days, where regular food is served. Make sure the camp knows about your child's dietary restrictions.
If you are considering an overnight camp for your child, call the camp and ask them if they provide food for those children with food allergies, and Celiac Disease. If they do, let them know about your child's Celiac Disease, that way they will have ample time to purchase the food the child will be able to eat.
Also, ask the camp if the cooking staff have completed a gluten free training program. Ask the camp staff if there is someone the child can talk to, if the child becomes sick from cross-contamination.

No child should miss out on this rite of passage. Summer camp holds memories and friendships that can last a lifetime. Celiac children should be able to enjoy summer camp, without fear of cross-contamination, and ridicule.


(photo courtesy of:

Connecticut mom making waves with her gluten-free macaroons.

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