Monday, June 24, 2013

Celiac Friendly States: Pennsylvania

Today, I decided to change things up a bit, and discuss states that are Celiac Friendly. Today's Celiac Friendly state is Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania became the second state in America, founded in 1787. The state motto is: "Virtue, Liberty, and Independence." If you're a Celiac, you will find PA a wonderful state to visit.

Pennsylvania participates in the GREAT program. This program focuses on training restaurants on how to prepare gluten free food safely. The program offers training to chefs and managers so they can handle gluten free food safely with us Celiacs in mind. If you travel to Philadelphia, PA, you will find restaurants that are highly qualified in providing exemplary service to those of us with Celiac Disease. 

Celiac travelers will, not only see a beautiful state, but, will also be able to frequent restaurants without worrying about cross-contamination. 


(photo courtesy of:

Connecticut mom making waves with her gluten-free macaroons.

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