Basically, Marilyn Geller, the CEO of CDF, shared her testimony last month and it led to Celiac Disease research being included in these federal documents.
The inclusion of Celiac Disease in such a report has never happened before (history-making, guys!), and if Celiac Disease research gets the funding, it can help researchers learn more about the disease, and it could help them find a cure.
Before you throw the confetti, nothing has been signed into law just yet. The documents have to go through the Congressional appropriations process and be signed by the White House.
Geller is confident that it will be signed. Overall, this is a great time for those of us living with Celiac. We are moving closer than ever to being taken seriously, and hopefully we will have a cure in our lifetime. Pray, meditate, send positive energy that Celiac Disease research gets the funding it deserves!
If my Celiac grandmother were alive today, she would be so proud. As a Celiac sufferer myself, I'm very excited about all of this.