Monday, June 17, 2013

Celiac Spotlight: Heidi Collins

 In today's second to last Celiac Spotlight, we have CNN anchorwoman, Heidi Collins. I chose Heidi Collins for the Celiac Spotlight because she has become a strong voice for the NFCA (National Foundation for Celiac Awareness).
It took a decade for Heidi Collins to be diagnosed with Celiac Disease. She was feeling fatigued, dealing with stomach problems, etc. She visited numerous doctors and specialists, but, they had no idea what was making her so ill. After she gave birth to her son, Riley, she was finally diagnosed with Celiac Disease.
Sadly, she is not alone in her fight. Her son, Riley, also has Celiac Disease. Her son has been able to adapt very well to the life change. He understands Celiac Disease.

Heidi Collins wanted to join the NFCA in order to raise awareness on Celiac Disease. During her career, she has had to travel a great deal, and airlines do NOT have a Gluten Free option for Celiacs. She wants to change that. She also wants to educate the world, so that more people can be diagnosed properly, and begin treatment, before they suffer the complications of Celiac Disease.

My thanks goes out to Heidi Collins, for all the hard work she has done for the Celiac community. You have truly been doing something remarkable by raising awareness about our disease.


(photo courtesy of:

Connecticut mom making waves with her gluten-free macaroons.

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