Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Why I Now Wear a Celiac Disease Medical ID Bracelet

If you have been following my blog posts, you know how vocal I am about raising Celiac Awareness. I get annoyed, and angry, whenever the media mocks us. Society does NOT take our disease seriously. Because of this, I decided to take things a bit further in raising awareness about Celiac disease, and teach society that it is a disease that needs to be taken seriously.

Last week, I decided to purchase a Celiac disease medical ID bracelet. I looked on Ebay, and found one for less than $17. When I go out, people are going to notice the bracelet, and ask questions. I WANT people to ask questions, because people need to know about this disease. We have had a lot of bad press, and I'm not going to hide my disease from people. I want to raise awareness in my community, so that it can become a Celiac friendly community.

When I go to restaurants, I want to be taken seriously, and not be given the eye roll. All Celiacs should be taken seriously. We are not following some fad diet. Gluten free food is our only treatment. It is only fitting that restaurants fall in line, and accommodate us without being jerks about it.

(photo courtesy of:http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/pict/2612386073904040_1.jpg )

Connecticut mom making waves with her gluten-free macaroons.

If you are gluten free and from CT (like I am), you will be delighted by this story. A mom in Enfield looked for a way to work and be a s...