Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Dating Site For Celiac/Gluten Sensitive Singles?

 Single, Celiac/Gluten Sensitive, and Looking for Love?

Don't worry, this isn't a spammy blog post. However, I did read that someone made a website for gluten free singles to meet other gluten free singles. The CEOs of the website (, know first hand, how hard it is to meet anyone that understands our lifestyle. Both of them are gluten free, because they have to be. One has Celiac, and the other has a gluten allergy.

Even if you are not looking for GF love, you will find a community of individuals who are just like us, living gluten free, because we HAVE to.

The site is also home to a blog, with a wide variety of information:

Before my boyfriend and I got together, it was hard to find a guy who understood about my Celiac disease. Most saw me as a little too "high maintenance." Only Celiacs understand what other Celiacs go through. However, my boyfriend has been wonderfully supportive, and so has his family. I consider myself rather lucky. Though, had the gluten free singles site been around 2 years ago, I would have joined, just so I had people to talk to about Celiac disease.

I think it is pretty cool that there is a site out there for people who are gluten free. While I am not someone who approves of online dating, I think the site is a great resource for making connections with other Celiacs/gluten sensitive individuals.

Here is the link for the site:

Connecticut mom making waves with her gluten-free macaroons.

If you are gluten free and from CT (like I am), you will be delighted by this story. A mom in Enfield looked for a way to work and be a s...