Thursday, July 24, 2014

"I'm sure these cookies aren't gluten free.." Weird Al's "First World Problems."

 Weird Al Yankovic has been making these spoof music videos for a couple of decades now, and he has quite a following.
In his latest video, he tackled "First World Problems." In the video, he gives a shout out to the gluten free population. He is in the airport scarfing down a cookie, when he realizes that the cookie may not be gluten free. He has crumbs coming out of his mouth. #firstworldproblems <--joke!

You may be wondering why I am posting this video on a Celiac/Gluten Free blog. Well, I have a few reasons.
-One, it's a pretty funny video.
-Two, it does bring up an interesting subject: staying gluten free at an airport. Of course the obvious option is bring your own snacks with you. That's pretty much what I would do. I do know that more airports are offering gluten free options and I know some airlines even have gluten free options for their on-board meals. Of course you need to use your best judgment when out and about.

Okay, enough of the shop talk. Grab some gluten free cookies and enjoy the music video:

Connecticut mom making waves with her gluten-free macaroons.

If you are gluten free and from CT (like I am), you will be delighted by this story. A mom in Enfield looked for a way to work and be a s...