I know I have a purpose, but, sometimes my existence can stink. Mornings are exceptionally tough for me. This large creature with bed head and bags under their eyes, stumbles into the bathroom, yanks me from my resting place, puts me under water until I’m soaking wet. Then, they squeeze this overwhelmingly minty paste on me. The worst part, they lift me up, guide me toward their mouth, and start rubbing me on their teeth. The breath! Oh my goodness! To put it nicely, it is like death. I endure 2 minutes of agony. When it is all over, I am caked in minty paste, and what ever was stuck in their teeth from the night before. Finally, the large creature bathes me in water, so I am nice and clean, and I am able to return to my resting place. From here, I watch the large creature spit out toothpaste, gargle with water, and spit again.
It is really not the best thing to wake up to.
(photo courtesy of: http://www.dreamstime.com/pink-toothbrush-in-cup-thumb4400122.jpg)
Friday, May 31, 2013
Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey Leaving 'Idol.'
See, I like the idea of hiring American Idol alumni to be judges on the show, but, I also believe that the show has run its course, and should be canceled.
Who would you like to see judging the future seasons?
(photo courtesy of: http://d4.yimg.com/sr/img/1/4fe3e2da-3d68-377e-94cc-26e8954cf8ec)
Beyond Scared Straight, and a Message For Teens
When you're a teenager, you have this feeling that nothing bad could ever happen to you. You pretty much feel invincible, no one can touch you. At least, this is what many out-of-control teens feel on a daily basis. They hang out with the wrong crowd, start drinking, smoking, doing drugs. They can become violent and disrespectful to peers, teachers, authority, and even their families. These teens think it's funny, and they feel "grown up" when they act in such out of control behavior. Families are at their wits end, and this is where the show, "Beyond Scared Straight" comes into play. This show follows the destructive paths of these wild teens, send them to jail for one day, where prisoners wake them up to the harsh reality that they could be facing if they continue this destructive path. Teens are processed and dressed like prisoners, and they interact with adult prisoners. These adult prisoners get into the teens' faces and give them a dosage of tough love. The teens rebel at first, but, then are completely broken down by the torment they endure from these prisoners. They become very frightened and start crying, thinking that the prisoners will fall for their crocodile tears. These prisoners may have made stupid mistakes in their lives, but, they aren't about to fall for the teens' crying act. These prisoners tell the teens their story, and try to get through to the teens that they need to live a more positive life, or else they will end up in jail.
After the experience, some of these teens make a complete turn around, and become very well-behaved young men and women. Others continue to act out, and end up exactly where the adult prisoners said they will end up: prison.
Why have I decided to write about this TV show? Because I just began to follow this show recently, and I love the idea of sending these out of control teens to prison, so they know exactly where they will be headed if they continue on this destructive path. Teens, it is NOT cute to drink, smoke, do drugs, be violent, etc. You are all so very young, and the tween and teen years go by super fast. Don't be in a rush to grow up. Enjoy being a kid. If you think being a teenager is hard, you haven't seen ANYTHING yet. Being an adult is much harder. You have NO IDEA what all those drinks and drugs are doing to your body. Sure, now, you feel just fine. Wait a few years when those toxins catch up to you and you develop serious illnesses. Teen girls, drinking, drugging, and being promiscuous, is definitely NOT CUTE. What makes you think that at 11, 12, 13 years old, that you are ready to lay down with a boy? You aren't. Sex is a very serious aspect of life, that is best left not experienced until you are much older, and in a committed relationship with a nice guy or girl. You need to hold onto your innocence until the right person comes along. You won't ever get that experience back.
Those of you who like to beat on their families, why in the heck would you beat the people that gave you life? Why would you beat your siblings, your grandparents, etc? They have not done a thing to you, except love you and raise you. I know you teens are at the age where you feel as if your parents don't understand, but, the only reason why you believe this is because you don't give them a chance to understand where you are coming from. Raising teenagers are hard for parents. Give your parents a chance, let them in. They will understand more than you think.
Also, when it comes to school, don't take your education for granted. School is not a thorn in your side. The most important aspects of life, besides love and family, is an education.
Again, why do I care so much? Because I was pretty much like you. I was violent. I drank, smoked, did drugs, and was incredibly disrespectful to everyone around me. I thought I was acting cute back then. I thought I was bad-a$$. I wasn't, and after watching "Beyond Scared Straight," I wish that I was placed in a program like that. I was lucky to have made a complete turn-around on my own. It did not come easy. I wasted my teen years acting the way I did, and I wasted a lot more than that. I regret pretty much all aspects of my teen years. It makes me angry that I treated people the way I did. It makes me angry that I wasted my education and did not care. It makes me angry that I treated my father horribly. He didn't have to take me in, but, he did, and what did I do to thank him? Be a terror. He didn't deserve that. No parent deserves that! Cherish your parents. One day, they will be gone. We all have an expiration date, and we are NOT promised another day of life. No matter what your parents have done to you, you have to respect them and be thankful to them that they gave you life.
I think every teen should watch this show, so that they know where they will go if they behave badly. I think every state should have this kind of program.
(photo courtesy of: http://tvcinews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Scared-Straight-742x990.jpg)
After the experience, some of these teens make a complete turn around, and become very well-behaved young men and women. Others continue to act out, and end up exactly where the adult prisoners said they will end up: prison.
Why have I decided to write about this TV show? Because I just began to follow this show recently, and I love the idea of sending these out of control teens to prison, so they know exactly where they will be headed if they continue on this destructive path. Teens, it is NOT cute to drink, smoke, do drugs, be violent, etc. You are all so very young, and the tween and teen years go by super fast. Don't be in a rush to grow up. Enjoy being a kid. If you think being a teenager is hard, you haven't seen ANYTHING yet. Being an adult is much harder. You have NO IDEA what all those drinks and drugs are doing to your body. Sure, now, you feel just fine. Wait a few years when those toxins catch up to you and you develop serious illnesses. Teen girls, drinking, drugging, and being promiscuous, is definitely NOT CUTE. What makes you think that at 11, 12, 13 years old, that you are ready to lay down with a boy? You aren't. Sex is a very serious aspect of life, that is best left not experienced until you are much older, and in a committed relationship with a nice guy or girl. You need to hold onto your innocence until the right person comes along. You won't ever get that experience back.
Those of you who like to beat on their families, why in the heck would you beat the people that gave you life? Why would you beat your siblings, your grandparents, etc? They have not done a thing to you, except love you and raise you. I know you teens are at the age where you feel as if your parents don't understand, but, the only reason why you believe this is because you don't give them a chance to understand where you are coming from. Raising teenagers are hard for parents. Give your parents a chance, let them in. They will understand more than you think.
Also, when it comes to school, don't take your education for granted. School is not a thorn in your side. The most important aspects of life, besides love and family, is an education.
Again, why do I care so much? Because I was pretty much like you. I was violent. I drank, smoked, did drugs, and was incredibly disrespectful to everyone around me. I thought I was acting cute back then. I thought I was bad-a$$. I wasn't, and after watching "Beyond Scared Straight," I wish that I was placed in a program like that. I was lucky to have made a complete turn-around on my own. It did not come easy. I wasted my teen years acting the way I did, and I wasted a lot more than that. I regret pretty much all aspects of my teen years. It makes me angry that I treated people the way I did. It makes me angry that I wasted my education and did not care. It makes me angry that I treated my father horribly. He didn't have to take me in, but, he did, and what did I do to thank him? Be a terror. He didn't deserve that. No parent deserves that! Cherish your parents. One day, they will be gone. We all have an expiration date, and we are NOT promised another day of life. No matter what your parents have done to you, you have to respect them and be thankful to them that they gave you life.
I think every teen should watch this show, so that they know where they will go if they behave badly. I think every state should have this kind of program.
(photo courtesy of: http://tvcinews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Scared-Straight-742x990.jpg)
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Crazy couple of days
So the past few days, I been feeling under the weather. I been dealing with migraines, and very low energy levels. On top of that, I have been very stressed about my health insurance issues. I am on welfare because I am unable to work due to my back injury. Since I have no money coming in, I have to rely on my idiotic state for food stamps and insurance. The DSS workers in my state are total screw ups. I was approved for assistance a month ago. I received my food stamp card, but, not my insurance card. I waited a few weeks, thinking that it was just taking a while to process the new card. Here it is, almost June, and I hadn't received my card. I called DSS, several times, only to be further confused by the automated system. I left messages, and never received a call back. This morning, I drove to DSS and waited in line for over a half hour. One of the workers was running around trying to get the line moving. I am still not feeling well, and my back was hurting from standing for so long. I flagged her down and explained my situation. She said that my Food Stamp card IS my medicaid card. I'm thinking to myself, why didn't my letter say that to begin with? I could have been going through physical therapy by now. I left and started making my appointments. What's worse, I have had to ration my Bipolar and Anxiety medications for the past month, because I cannot afford to pay out of pocket to refill the prescriptions. I just refilled the prescriptions and will be able to pick them up tomorrow morning.
I am appalled that a program that is out to help people, does more harm than good. I understand that many people take advantage of this program because they are too darn lazy to get a job, but, people like me need this program to get back on their feet. Trust me, I did NOT want to be on this program, but, I have to be. Once I am back on my feet again, I am getting off this program. It is an unnecessary stress test.
It makes me laugh because I don't understand why people would rather be on this program and sit on their behinds, than to get out there, work, and take care of themselves. The program is run terribly. I cannot wait until I am well enough to be off the system.
People, these programs are supposed to help people that are in need of help. Do NOT take advantage of these assistance programs. You make the program 100x harder for those of us that need the program. The workers would not be such hard butts, if people were not taking advantage of the program.
Sorry for the rant, this is just the bull that I have been dealing with for the past month, and the stress has been making me sick for the past few days.
I am appalled that a program that is out to help people, does more harm than good. I understand that many people take advantage of this program because they are too darn lazy to get a job, but, people like me need this program to get back on their feet. Trust me, I did NOT want to be on this program, but, I have to be. Once I am back on my feet again, I am getting off this program. It is an unnecessary stress test.
It makes me laugh because I don't understand why people would rather be on this program and sit on their behinds, than to get out there, work, and take care of themselves. The program is run terribly. I cannot wait until I am well enough to be off the system.
People, these programs are supposed to help people that are in need of help. Do NOT take advantage of these assistance programs. You make the program 100x harder for those of us that need the program. The workers would not be such hard butts, if people were not taking advantage of the program.
Sorry for the rant, this is just the bull that I have been dealing with for the past month, and the stress has been making me sick for the past few days.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Poetry: Always Inside My Head
Thirteen years later,
inside my head,
is a horrific reminder,
of where my life used to be.
Feelings of bitterness,
Abuse and recklessness,
memories of my past,
haunt me like a ghost.
Memories that stalk me,
taunt me.
Always inside my head.
Being thrown against lockers,
being beat up.
Horrific rumors about being dangerous.
My reputation stolen from me.
Always inside my head.
The name calling,
the teasing,
set off an alarm inside me.
I was overwhelmed with pain.
I look at the scars on my arms,
the memories of what led to the scars.
These scars remind me of what was my release,
my outlet,
my only love.
inside my head,
is a horrific reminder,
of where my life used to be.
Feelings of bitterness,
Abuse and recklessness,
memories of my past,
haunt me like a ghost.
Memories that stalk me,
taunt me.
Always inside my head.
Being thrown against lockers,
being beat up.
Horrific rumors about being dangerous.
My reputation stolen from me.
Always inside my head.
The name calling,
the teasing,
set off an alarm inside me.
I was overwhelmed with pain.
I look at the scars on my arms,
the memories of what led to the scars.
These scars remind me of what was my release,
my outlet,
my only love.
Poetry: Identity
When I look in the mirror,
what do I see?
A beautiful face?
A beautiful me?
I never saw it coming,
the outside to match the in.
Who thought it could happen?
That I could find the strength from within.
This once frizzy, curly hair,
is now controlled and straight.
This much rounder face,
is thinner and narrow
This once non-existent waist,
is now noticeable.
Two years of hard work,
have gotten me where I am today.
From unhappy,
to healthy.
Anything is possible,
only if you believe.
The ugly duckling,
is now the beautiful me.
This is now,
my identity.
what do I see?
A beautiful face?
A beautiful me?
I never saw it coming,
the outside to match the in.
Who thought it could happen?
That I could find the strength from within.
This once frizzy, curly hair,
is now controlled and straight.
This much rounder face,
is thinner and narrow
This once non-existent waist,
is now noticeable.
Two years of hard work,
have gotten me where I am today.
From unhappy,
to healthy.
Anything is possible,
only if you believe.
The ugly duckling,
is now the beautiful me.
This is now,
my identity.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Connecticut Woman Who Filed 70 Lawsuits, Inspires New Bill.
For the past two years, a woman in Connecticut has gained media attention, for filing over 70 lawsuits. She has filed lawsuits against Connecticut Light & Power, World Wrestling Federation, several towns, celebrities, rock bands, and police departments-for free. She recently filed a lawsuit against the Farmington Police Department for $2 Trillion, however, records indicate that she has never been arrested, detained, or questioned by Farmington Police.
Records do show that, while she has lost many of her lawsuits, she did settle a lawsuit with the World Wrestling Federation for $8,000.
Since she is of low income, her filing fee of $350 per lawsuit, has been waived. This has cost the state, and the taxpayers, around $70,000.
Farmington Police Chief, Melanson has been at the state capitol in Hartford, Connecticut asking lawmakers to make it more difficult for her to file lawsuits. The new law would give judges the right to deny fee waivers for those who abuse the system. Also, the judge can deny the fee waiver if the lawsuit has no merit.
As a taxpaying citizen of Connecticut, I am appalled that this woman has gotten away with this for so long. I'd rather my tax money goes to people who need the assistance. This woman is abusing the system, and robbing the taxpayers of their hard earned money. I sincerely hope the new law prevents her from abusing the system further than she has.
There is a lot that I could say about this woman, but, I have enough respect for my readers to keep my language clean, and not get personal.
(photo courtesy of: http://localtvkdvr.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/cecelia-lebby.jpg?w=402)
Records do show that, while she has lost many of her lawsuits, she did settle a lawsuit with the World Wrestling Federation for $8,000.
Since she is of low income, her filing fee of $350 per lawsuit, has been waived. This has cost the state, and the taxpayers, around $70,000.
Farmington Police Chief, Melanson has been at the state capitol in Hartford, Connecticut asking lawmakers to make it more difficult for her to file lawsuits. The new law would give judges the right to deny fee waivers for those who abuse the system. Also, the judge can deny the fee waiver if the lawsuit has no merit.
As a taxpaying citizen of Connecticut, I am appalled that this woman has gotten away with this for so long. I'd rather my tax money goes to people who need the assistance. This woman is abusing the system, and robbing the taxpayers of their hard earned money. I sincerely hope the new law prevents her from abusing the system further than she has.
There is a lot that I could say about this woman, but, I have enough respect for my readers to keep my language clean, and not get personal.
(photo courtesy of: http://localtvkdvr.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/cecelia-lebby.jpg?w=402)
Growing Up With Mental Illness.
My journey began when I was 5 years old. I was in therapy, and diagnosed with ADHD. They put me on Ritalin, and it did not help me. When I was 7 years old, I started to experience some depression. My home life was very scary and I began taking it out on myself. I started scratching my arms until they bled. I was sent to a children hospital for psychiatric illness. I was in the state system while my parents fought over custody of me. My dad won custody of me, and I moved to a small town with him and my grandparents. I was still messed up from living with my mom, and I wasn't able to settle in. My depression worsened and I was acting out a lot in school. I was sent to another psychiatric hospital for depression and cutting.
High school was not much different. My depression became much more severe. I was cutting, burning my skin, and also overdosing. I was doing drugs, and drinking. I would skip school, and when I did go to school, I was very disrespectful to my teachers and other students. I was hospitalized throughout my high school years. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, Severe Depression, Schizo-affective Disorder, and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. I was bullied when I was in high school, and eventually bullied out of my school. I was put in a special school for troubled teens. I was able to graduate high school, and go to college. I still battled my disorders, but, took my medication, and utilized the tools I learned from the counseling center at my college. I also had a therapist near my hometown.
I am currently in remission from Borderline Personality Disorder, Severe Depression, Schizo-affective Disorder, and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. However, in 2009, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, and I am still battling my rapid-cycling episodes. I am taking medication, and am looking into counseling opportunities. To have been able to overcome those other disorders, is a huge accomplishment for me. I did not think I would have been able to make it past age 18. I thought I would have been dead by then. I am in my 30s now, and am doing better than I ever have been.
I am still on a long road to recovery, but, I am very optimistic that I can continue living a normal life, and I am hoping to make a difference in other people's lives. My parents battle mental illness, so it did give me a significantly higher risk of developing mental illness.
If I can overcome all of that, so can you. Never doubt the strength you have in you.
(photo courtesy of: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs30/i/2008/065/0/f/Poster__Mental_Illness_2_by_neurotripsy.png)
High school was not much different. My depression became much more severe. I was cutting, burning my skin, and also overdosing. I was doing drugs, and drinking. I would skip school, and when I did go to school, I was very disrespectful to my teachers and other students. I was hospitalized throughout my high school years. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, Severe Depression, Schizo-affective Disorder, and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. I was bullied when I was in high school, and eventually bullied out of my school. I was put in a special school for troubled teens. I was able to graduate high school, and go to college. I still battled my disorders, but, took my medication, and utilized the tools I learned from the counseling center at my college. I also had a therapist near my hometown.
I am currently in remission from Borderline Personality Disorder, Severe Depression, Schizo-affective Disorder, and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. However, in 2009, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, and I am still battling my rapid-cycling episodes. I am taking medication, and am looking into counseling opportunities. To have been able to overcome those other disorders, is a huge accomplishment for me. I did not think I would have been able to make it past age 18. I thought I would have been dead by then. I am in my 30s now, and am doing better than I ever have been.
I am still on a long road to recovery, but, I am very optimistic that I can continue living a normal life, and I am hoping to make a difference in other people's lives. My parents battle mental illness, so it did give me a significantly higher risk of developing mental illness.
If I can overcome all of that, so can you. Never doubt the strength you have in you.
(photo courtesy of: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs30/i/2008/065/0/f/Poster__Mental_Illness_2_by_neurotripsy.png)
Coming To Terms With Bipolar Disorder.
Bipolar (or manic depression) is defined as being abnormally elevated moods which can interfere with the functions of ordinary life. Mania is a period of elevated or irritable moods. How long these elevations last, depend on the person. Some of these elevated moods can last as short as a few hours, or as long as a few months. Most people with Bipolar Disorder can become impulsive, making poor decisions in their lives. Those that experience mania, may also experience depression as well, and these moods can go back and forth between abnormal elation, and severe depression. Rapid Cycling is a form of Bipolar Disorder. Rapid Cycling is defined as having 4 or more episodes per year. (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipolar_disorder)
Bipolar is a life-long disorder, and can be treated with medication and therapy. People under proper treatment are able to function properly in society. Those that are in treatment can still have episodes, but, it does not last long and they are few and far between. Those that do not seek treatment, are at risk of being a danger to themselves, and other people. This is why treatment is extremely important.
Once you are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, it is the first day of the rest of your life. It is almost a relief, because now you know why you have been feeling the way you feel. You can start a treatment plan, and you will soon begin to feel a little bit more stable.
I was diagnosed in 2009, and I was lucky to have been able to find a good mix of medication to help me with my moods. Not only that, I have such an incredible support system in terms of friends and family. Life can be difficult at times, especially now, since I've fallen on hard times due to another health problem. I have been battling a few episodes of depression, but, I have decades of experience being in therapy, and I utilize the tools I learned in therapy to keep myself in check. I have been able to differentiate which moods are normal, and what could be the start of a manic or depressive episode. I am actually one of few people that really want to return to therapy(being held back to due insurance issues-currently working on it). I love therapy. I can unload to someone that understands the complexity of Bipolar Disorder, and the therapist can offer me tools on how to manage my moods.
My advice to those who are new to Bipolar Disorder, please please please be proactive in treatment. It may be a hard road, but, it is worth it. Also, if you need someone to talk to, I am always available. Sometimes, it helps to talk to someone that has been there. I know how frustrating it is to explain your behavior to those that don't understand the disorder. Sometimes you feel like a burden to your loved ones. I battle this everyday, but, deep down, I know I am not a burden. If I were a burden, they would tell me.
Stay strong, you have it in your to overcome.
(photo courtesy of: http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/psychiatry-psychology/bipolar-disorder/images/bipolar-disorder-fig3_large.jpg)
Bipolar is a life-long disorder, and can be treated with medication and therapy. People under proper treatment are able to function properly in society. Those that are in treatment can still have episodes, but, it does not last long and they are few and far between. Those that do not seek treatment, are at risk of being a danger to themselves, and other people. This is why treatment is extremely important.
Once you are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, it is the first day of the rest of your life. It is almost a relief, because now you know why you have been feeling the way you feel. You can start a treatment plan, and you will soon begin to feel a little bit more stable.
I was diagnosed in 2009, and I was lucky to have been able to find a good mix of medication to help me with my moods. Not only that, I have such an incredible support system in terms of friends and family. Life can be difficult at times, especially now, since I've fallen on hard times due to another health problem. I have been battling a few episodes of depression, but, I have decades of experience being in therapy, and I utilize the tools I learned in therapy to keep myself in check. I have been able to differentiate which moods are normal, and what could be the start of a manic or depressive episode. I am actually one of few people that really want to return to therapy(being held back to due insurance issues-currently working on it). I love therapy. I can unload to someone that understands the complexity of Bipolar Disorder, and the therapist can offer me tools on how to manage my moods.
My advice to those who are new to Bipolar Disorder, please please please be proactive in treatment. It may be a hard road, but, it is worth it. Also, if you need someone to talk to, I am always available. Sometimes, it helps to talk to someone that has been there. I know how frustrating it is to explain your behavior to those that don't understand the disorder. Sometimes you feel like a burden to your loved ones. I battle this everyday, but, deep down, I know I am not a burden. If I were a burden, they would tell me.
Stay strong, you have it in your to overcome.
(photo courtesy of: http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/psychiatry-psychology/bipolar-disorder/images/bipolar-disorder-fig3_large.jpg)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Disappointing Dining Experience.
My boyfriend and I like to go out to eat at a sushi place every month, and we've taken a liking to one down the road from the house. We have always had a great experience at this place, until tonight. When we got to the restaurant, it took 5 mins for us to be seated. The place was not busy at all, with the exception of a group sitting at the hibachi table.
The hostess, whom did not seem to eager to be working tonight, seated us. The tables in the area that we were sitting at were very dirty(we have never come across this problem since we've been eating there, plus, it looked as if no one had been sitting there for quite some time). We sat for a few mins, then our waitress took our drink order. Five mins later, she comes out with a tray of drinks, asking us which drink we ordered. We told her, and she gave us our drinks. She mixed up my boyfriend's drink with one from another table. She fixed the mistake, and then went back to the kitchen. My boyfriend and I already knew what we wanted, so we waited for our waitress to come back. Twenty minutes later, she came back and took our order. Food came 15 minutes later, and we were all set to eat. Ten minutes, after we were done eating, we got our check. My boyfriend and I agreed that the service was not good, which had us concerned for our favorite sushi place. He did not leave a tip. We paid, and left.
It disappoints me that this restaurant had this bad of service. It's always been quick and consistent. Tonight it was just scatter-brained and sloppy. I hope it was just an off-night for them. *sigh*
(photo courtesy of: http://fittipdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/sushi-.jpg)
Mental Illness
Millions of people around the world struggle with mental illness. Depression, Post Traumatic Stress, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, etc. Living with mental illness is a struggle for both the sufferer, and their loved ones, especially if the sufferer does not have a successful treatment plan. It also does not help when the public is not educated about mental illness. Even though we live in the 21st Century, those with mental disorders are still ostracized in one way or another. While we have made strides in proper treatment for those with mental disorders, the success of the sufferer is up to the sufferer.
Many people, after diagnosis, go through some levels of denial, and even rebel against their diagnosis. The sufferers feel as if they can get through this on their own, or they believe that nothing is wrong with them. This is where a proper support system may actually help someone come to terms with their diagnosis.
Mental illness is hereditary, and a life-long battle. If you come from a family where just about everyone is suffering from disorders, finding a stable support system may be more of a challenge. For a person who is in this situation, it is not impossible to receive help. There are people that are a product of parents who have mental disorders, who do flourish in their lives. These people overcome the odds and become successful men and women. These people do have their moments, but, they are on proper treatment plans that lesson the mental illness episodes and their duration significantly.
However, when people find out that these men and women have mental disorders, they are still stigmatized. Either at work, or in their personal lives, these people come across the ignorance and fear from society. Society needs to become better educated about the reality of mental illness. Society needs to understand that not all people with mental illness are dangerous people. The danger comes from those who DON'T seek treatment. The disease has taken over the person. Basically, the sufferer is gone because the person decided to give up. Medication AND therapy can help the person fight their illness, and fight to be a worthwhile human being.
If you suspect that you may have a mental illness, do NOT let the disease take your humanity. Talk to someone, like a counselor, a trusted friend, a spouse, a parent, your doctor, etc. A mental episode can make you impulsive, and you will not know what you are doing. Getting treatment is NOTHING to be ashamed of. The only shame you should feel is if you don't seek help. Don't let the disease take over. I'm not saying that you will be symptom-free after treatment, but, medication, and therapy lesson the symptoms, and their duration. You are strong, and you need to show yourself, and the world, that you are someone that can overcome the hardest of all obstacles. You never know, you may be the one person that changes the world for the better.
Fight for your life, you will not be disappointed.
(photo courtesy of: http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4555105906591255&pid=15.1)
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Soggy Morning Here In Connecticut
It is a soggy and cloudy Wednesday morning. Birds are not chirping as much as they would if it were a sunny day. We had thunderstorms move in a few hours ago, which woke me up. I'm thankful for the storms, because they cooled things down quite a bit. However, it will be getting hotter and stickier as the day goes on. This kind of weather is unusual for CT. We went from having cold, dry weather, to hot and sticky weather, with no relief in between. It's too extreme, even for this state. Anyways, I am determined to make it a good day, no matter what it is doing outside. I have plans to chop my long hair and make it shoulder length. I usually get my hair cut around this time of year, due to the weather getting warmer. I have very thick hair, and when it is long, it makes it harder to manage, plus my neck gets all sweaty. Of course, being the good woman I am, I asked the other half if he would like short hair on me. He said it's my hair, and I look good whether my hair is long or shoulder length. Gotta love that guy, LOL.
Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys their day! God bless!
Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys their day! God bless!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Creative Writing Prompt- Nikki
Article featured on: http://www.bubblews.com/news/517093-creative-writing-prompt-nikki
Nikki just moved to a new town with her grandparents. Her mother gave her up when she was a baby, and her father was never around. Thankfully, Nikki had her dear grandparents, Bev and George.
Nikki was ten years old when they all moved to Kensington. It was a quaint, small town in the middle of nowhere. The house they were moving to, resided on several acres of farmland. As the car pulled into the driveway of their new home, Nikki's bright blue eyes lit up when she saw how much room she would have to run around and play. George parked the car, Nikki took off her seat belt, opened the car door, and ran into the fields. George and Bev got out of the car, laughing as they watched Nikki playing in the fields. George looked at Bev, and said, "This is going to be a great opportunity and a big change for Nikki." Bev replied, "George, what are we going to tell Nikki when she sees our daughter living in the guest house?" An expression of worry came over both of them, as they glanced back at Nikki having the time of her life.
Part two coming soon!
(photo courtesy of: www.dreamstime.com/sad-preteen-country-girl-thumb20505872.jpg)
Nikki just moved to a new town with her grandparents. Her mother gave her up when she was a baby, and her father was never around. Thankfully, Nikki had her dear grandparents, Bev and George.
Nikki was ten years old when they all moved to Kensington. It was a quaint, small town in the middle of nowhere. The house they were moving to, resided on several acres of farmland. As the car pulled into the driveway of their new home, Nikki's bright blue eyes lit up when she saw how much room she would have to run around and play. George parked the car, Nikki took off her seat belt, opened the car door, and ran into the fields. George and Bev got out of the car, laughing as they watched Nikki playing in the fields. George looked at Bev, and said, "This is going to be a great opportunity and a big change for Nikki." Bev replied, "George, what are we going to tell Nikki when she sees our daughter living in the guest house?" An expression of worry came over both of them, as they glanced back at Nikki having the time of her life.
Part two coming soon!
(photo courtesy of: www.dreamstime.com/sad-preteen-country-girl-thumb20505872.jpg)
The Stigma of Mental Illness
Article featured on: http://www.bubblews.com/news/524689-the-stigma-of-mental-illness
Mental Illness affects millions of people around the world. Despite the fact that it does affect so many people, those with mental illness are still stigmatized. They are known as "psychos," "monsters," etc. Those that do not have mental illness walk on egg shells around the mentally ill, so the mentally ill person doesn't "lash out" or "hurt" them. These stigmas hurt me at a personal level, because I have family members who suffer from mental illness. I also had a very tough upbringing, spending my teen years severely depressed, and I even contemplated suicide. I spent many years in counseling.
When I was younger, I was the odd child in my school. Because of that, I never fit in, and usually kept to myself. I was called many names in school. "Psycho," "Stupid," and a few others that I cannot write on here because the words are highly inappropriate, but, I'm sure you all get the picture.
Now that I'm older, and have sought help, I am a happier person. Those who suffer mental illness cannot just break out of it. They will always have the illness, but, will find ways to still live a relatively normal life. Taking things day by day usually keeps people from becoming overwhelmed.
People with mental illness, and are not on medication, have zero control over their thoughts and behaviors. The disease/illness takes over like a parasite, and like a leech, sucks the life out of you. The person is helpless. So, any thoughts or attempts of suicide, the person has no control over. Once someone is on medication and in therapy, the mental illness does not have as much of a hold on you anymore. The person is able to live, and enjoy a happier life.
This is why it is not good to judge someone with a mental illness. You have to put yourself in their shoes, and understand that they have no control over their actions or thoughts. In order to reach someone with a mental illness, you need to get down to their level, and connect with them. All they need is someone to connect with and tell them that everything is going to be alright.
Also, if you suspect that you might be dealing with mental illness, please talk to someone. You may not believe it right now, but, there ARE people out there that do care, have been there, and will be there for you. Hope is not lost. When the disease takes over, you become irrational and impulsive. You don't want to get to the point where you are a danger to yourself and to others.
(photo courtesy of: www.healthyplace.com/blogs/recoveringfrommentalillness/files/2012/10/Mental-Disorders.jpg)
Mental Illness affects millions of people around the world. Despite the fact that it does affect so many people, those with mental illness are still stigmatized. They are known as "psychos," "monsters," etc. Those that do not have mental illness walk on egg shells around the mentally ill, so the mentally ill person doesn't "lash out" or "hurt" them. These stigmas hurt me at a personal level, because I have family members who suffer from mental illness. I also had a very tough upbringing, spending my teen years severely depressed, and I even contemplated suicide. I spent many years in counseling.
When I was younger, I was the odd child in my school. Because of that, I never fit in, and usually kept to myself. I was called many names in school. "Psycho," "Stupid," and a few others that I cannot write on here because the words are highly inappropriate, but, I'm sure you all get the picture.
Now that I'm older, and have sought help, I am a happier person. Those who suffer mental illness cannot just break out of it. They will always have the illness, but, will find ways to still live a relatively normal life. Taking things day by day usually keeps people from becoming overwhelmed.
People with mental illness, and are not on medication, have zero control over their thoughts and behaviors. The disease/illness takes over like a parasite, and like a leech, sucks the life out of you. The person is helpless. So, any thoughts or attempts of suicide, the person has no control over. Once someone is on medication and in therapy, the mental illness does not have as much of a hold on you anymore. The person is able to live, and enjoy a happier life.
This is why it is not good to judge someone with a mental illness. You have to put yourself in their shoes, and understand that they have no control over their actions or thoughts. In order to reach someone with a mental illness, you need to get down to their level, and connect with them. All they need is someone to connect with and tell them that everything is going to be alright.
Also, if you suspect that you might be dealing with mental illness, please talk to someone. You may not believe it right now, but, there ARE people out there that do care, have been there, and will be there for you. Hope is not lost. When the disease takes over, you become irrational and impulsive. You don't want to get to the point where you are a danger to yourself and to others.
(photo courtesy of: www.healthyplace.com/blogs/recoveringfrommentalillness/files/2012/10/Mental-Disorders.jpg)
Finally! Dunkin Donuts Offers Gluten Free Donuts and Muffins.
Article featured on: http://www.bubblews.com/news/543548-finally-dunkin-donuts-offers-gluten-free-donuts-and-muffins
For those of us dealing with Celiac Disease and love Dunkin Donuts, guess what? Dunkin Donuts now offers Cinnamon Sugar donuts, and Blueberry Muffins! The Cinnamon Sugar donuts and Blueberry Muffins are individually wrapped and are certified GF(Gluten FREE), so you do not have to worry about cross-contamination. However, like the rest of the baked goods Dunkin Donuts offer, these baked goods are still high in calories and fat. The cinnamon sugar donuts are not bad. They keep it frozen until they are ready to stock them at the register. They still have that different GF taste, but, is still very good. The muffin is not bad as well. It is very high in calories, so if you are a calorie counter, split the muffin into two servings. Still, if you are highly sensitive when it comes to your Celiac Disease, I would recommend taking a Gluten-zyme.
So, fellow Celiacs, it's time to join in on the run for Dunkin! Happy eating!
(photo courtesy of: glutendude.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/dunkin-donuts-gluten-free.jpg)
For those of us dealing with Celiac Disease and love Dunkin Donuts, guess what? Dunkin Donuts now offers Cinnamon Sugar donuts, and Blueberry Muffins! The Cinnamon Sugar donuts and Blueberry Muffins are individually wrapped and are certified GF(Gluten FREE), so you do not have to worry about cross-contamination. However, like the rest of the baked goods Dunkin Donuts offer, these baked goods are still high in calories and fat. The cinnamon sugar donuts are not bad. They keep it frozen until they are ready to stock them at the register. They still have that different GF taste, but, is still very good. The muffin is not bad as well. It is very high in calories, so if you are a calorie counter, split the muffin into two servings. Still, if you are highly sensitive when it comes to your Celiac Disease, I would recommend taking a Gluten-zyme.
So, fellow Celiacs, it's time to join in on the run for Dunkin! Happy eating!
(photo courtesy of: glutendude.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/dunkin-donuts-gluten-free.jpg)
Poetry: Your loving grace
Article featured on: http://www.bubblews.com/news/544679-poetry-your-loving-grace
You have been there for me,
through all of these years.
Tugging at my heart strings,
calling me to You.
I left you hanging,
never answering Your call.
I sunk lower into a depression,
letting in sorrow and pain into my heart.
During my lowest point,
I decided to give up.
You tugged at my heart once more,
and I finally listened,
letting You into my life.
How can I ever deny,
Your loving grace?
You have blessed me with so much,
and healed my emotional turmoil.
You have brought love and happiness,
into my life.
How can I ever repay You?
I shall spend my life,
loving You.
(photo courtesy of: 2.bp.blogspot.com/_Y8dVgrlzuG0/S65-MBWVrnI/AAAAAAAAHZ8/VoQIErji8mg/s1600/cross+5.jpg)
You have been there for me,
through all of these years.
Tugging at my heart strings,
calling me to You.
I left you hanging,
never answering Your call.
I sunk lower into a depression,
letting in sorrow and pain into my heart.
During my lowest point,
I decided to give up.
You tugged at my heart once more,
and I finally listened,
letting You into my life.
How can I ever deny,
Your loving grace?
You have blessed me with so much,
and healed my emotional turmoil.
You have brought love and happiness,
into my life.
How can I ever repay You?
I shall spend my life,
loving You.
(photo courtesy of: 2.bp.blogspot.com/_Y8dVgrlzuG0/S65-MBWVrnI/AAAAAAAAHZ8/VoQIErji8mg/s1600/cross+5.jpg)
Bad Clothing Punishment For Student Bully.
It does not matter which school you have kids going to, school bullying running rampant. One woman feels that she may have found a way to stop the bullying: give the bully a dose of their own medicine.
A woman in Utah received word that her stepdaughter was bullying a student for wearing daisy duke shorts. The stepdaughter called the other student "sleazy." The stepmother took to Facebook and asked for help on what to do with her stepdaughter. The stepmother had a plan: take the family clothes shopping. Everyone went, and the stepmother had the stepdaughter try on "ugly" clothes, and show them to the family. The stepdaughter did not like it but agreed. The stepmother did this because: “The goal wasn’t to select clothes that were cheap; it was to buy things that she said she hated.” She wanted the stepdaughter to feel remorse for her bullying.
The stepmother had the stepdaughter wear one of the "ugly" outfits to school. Of course, she was made fun of. Some of the students thought she was wearing pajamas. The stepdaughter realized what she did, and apologized to the student she bullied.
The story does not end there. The stepmother took things further by taking a picture of her stepdaughter wearing one of the "ugly" outfits, and posted it on Facebook for the world to see.
Now, I have no problem with this type of discipline, however, I do have a problem with the stepmother broadcasting pictures of her humiliated stepdaughter on Facebook. That is just taking things WAY too far. Public shaming on social media is just not okay. The stepmother is not any different than the stepdaughter, in terms of being a bully, and that is just unfortunate.
All forms of bullying are not okay, and should be stopped.
A woman in Utah received word that her stepdaughter was bullying a student for wearing daisy duke shorts. The stepdaughter called the other student "sleazy." The stepmother took to Facebook and asked for help on what to do with her stepdaughter. The stepmother had a plan: take the family clothes shopping. Everyone went, and the stepmother had the stepdaughter try on "ugly" clothes, and show them to the family. The stepdaughter did not like it but agreed. The stepmother did this because: “The goal wasn’t to select clothes that were cheap; it was to buy things that she said she hated.” She wanted the stepdaughter to feel remorse for her bullying.
The stepmother had the stepdaughter wear one of the "ugly" outfits to school. Of course, she was made fun of. Some of the students thought she was wearing pajamas. The stepdaughter realized what she did, and apologized to the student she bullied.
The story does not end there. The stepmother took things further by taking a picture of her stepdaughter wearing one of the "ugly" outfits, and posted it on Facebook for the world to see.
Now, I have no problem with this type of discipline, however, I do have a problem with the stepmother broadcasting pictures of her humiliated stepdaughter on Facebook. That is just taking things WAY too far. Public shaming on social media is just not okay. The stepmother is not any different than the stepdaughter, in terms of being a bully, and that is just unfortunate.
All forms of bullying are not okay, and should be stopped.
Source: http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/-bully-punished-with-bad-clothing--unusual-yes--but-cruel--191002928.html
Photo: http://www.bcgeu.ca/sites/default/files/bullying-logo.JPG
Lessons I've Learned In Writing.
When you embark on the journey to become a writer, you learn a ton of lessons that both humble you, and help you to grow a thicker skin. In terms of humbling, you may write a piece that is absolutely amazing and reaches thousands of people, all of whom like it. They tell you that they are thankful that you shared something so personal and amazing. It gives you a great feeling inside.
Just like anything else in life, you do come across some rough times on your journey to being a writer. You may have a period of time where things you write aren't connecting, and you lose the reader's interest. Or, you could be plagued with writer's block (dun dun DUNNN). Do not lose hope. One thing that I have learned on this wonderfully crazy journey, is that you keep going no matter what.
A few weeks ago, as I was wandering Barnes and Noble bookstore with my Cafe Americano in hand, I came across the writing/publishing section. I was dealing with severe writers block, and was hoping that someone had written a book that will have interesting writing prompts. Lo and behold, I found such a book(series). "The Pocket Muse," by Monica Wood is amazing! It has helped me fill my journals with pages of writing material. It has also inspired ideas for stories based on some of my life experiences. I highly recommend, to any writer, that you have this series in your library. You never know when you may need a little boost to let your creative juices flow.
Back to the purpose of the blog: Lessons.
Patience. Patience is a huge part of being a freelance writer. If you are looking for assignments on an assignment desk, such as the desks on Yahoo and Helium, and nothing sparks your interest, you may have to either come up with an amazing idea, or wait longer. The best title prompts that I have found are on Helium, but, the higher upfront pay comes from Yahoo.
On yahoo, sometimes you luck out and they target an assignment to you. That happened to me a few weeks ago. I suffer from bipolar disorder, and I was targeted to write about my experience with bipolar disorder, since the new edition of the DSM is coming out this month. I wrote my experience in less than 45 mins, exactly 400 words. It was picked up, published, and I was $15 richer(still earning residual payment as well-flirting with the $5 mark). Not only that, I had several thousand page views in under a week, people and non-profit organizations were sharing my story to their Twitter followers. I was shocked, and humbled. I actually tweeted them a thank you for sharing my story. My hopes for that article piece was to reach those like me and tell them that they are not alone. Also, I wanted the public to know that, not all of us are psycho monsters. Those of us who are taking medication, and in therapy, live normal lives. You would not be able to tell that anything was wrong with us. The people that give bipolar disorder a bad rap are the ones who don't seek treatment.
The point of my ramblings: Don't give up on writing if things do not immediately take off for you. Keep doing writing exercises, write for Yahoo Voices, Helium, or blog with Bubblews. You will meet incredible fellow writers that will give you hints on how to be successful, and they will support you along your journey.
Just like anything else in life, you do come across some rough times on your journey to being a writer. You may have a period of time where things you write aren't connecting, and you lose the reader's interest. Or, you could be plagued with writer's block (dun dun DUNNN). Do not lose hope. One thing that I have learned on this wonderfully crazy journey, is that you keep going no matter what.
A few weeks ago, as I was wandering Barnes and Noble bookstore with my Cafe Americano in hand, I came across the writing/publishing section. I was dealing with severe writers block, and was hoping that someone had written a book that will have interesting writing prompts. Lo and behold, I found such a book(series). "The Pocket Muse," by Monica Wood is amazing! It has helped me fill my journals with pages of writing material. It has also inspired ideas for stories based on some of my life experiences. I highly recommend, to any writer, that you have this series in your library. You never know when you may need a little boost to let your creative juices flow.
Back to the purpose of the blog: Lessons.
Patience. Patience is a huge part of being a freelance writer. If you are looking for assignments on an assignment desk, such as the desks on Yahoo and Helium, and nothing sparks your interest, you may have to either come up with an amazing idea, or wait longer. The best title prompts that I have found are on Helium, but, the higher upfront pay comes from Yahoo.
On yahoo, sometimes you luck out and they target an assignment to you. That happened to me a few weeks ago. I suffer from bipolar disorder, and I was targeted to write about my experience with bipolar disorder, since the new edition of the DSM is coming out this month. I wrote my experience in less than 45 mins, exactly 400 words. It was picked up, published, and I was $15 richer(still earning residual payment as well-flirting with the $5 mark). Not only that, I had several thousand page views in under a week, people and non-profit organizations were sharing my story to their Twitter followers. I was shocked, and humbled. I actually tweeted them a thank you for sharing my story. My hopes for that article piece was to reach those like me and tell them that they are not alone. Also, I wanted the public to know that, not all of us are psycho monsters. Those of us who are taking medication, and in therapy, live normal lives. You would not be able to tell that anything was wrong with us. The people that give bipolar disorder a bad rap are the ones who don't seek treatment.
The point of my ramblings: Don't give up on writing if things do not immediately take off for you. Keep doing writing exercises, write for Yahoo Voices, Helium, or blog with Bubblews. You will meet incredible fellow writers that will give you hints on how to be successful, and they will support you along your journey.
This Weekend: Unofficial Start of Summer!
Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer in the States. Summer sales are already under way, and you can't shop anywhere without running into swimsuits, suntan lotion, bug repellant, and sunglasses. Families are already brainstorming vacations for the summer and kids are excited that the school year is almost over.
My favorite summer memory was summer camp when I was a child. I think every child should have the opportunity to go to summer camp at least once in their lives. At summer camp, I made friends with people that I am friends with to this day. I learned so much about how far I can push myself to conquer my fears. I was active, and not sitting on a couch watching daytime talk shows while the folks were at work. Summer camp gives children the opportunity to be children, and also learn a few things here and there.
Even though I'm in my 30's, I still look forward to summer. I always associate summer as being a season of opportunity and romance. Isn't there something romantic about the summer season? The warm air, the light wind, the warm sand under your feet, a night sky, the moon dancing on the water....it just seems so romantic to me.
Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys their long weekend this weekend. Happy unofficial start of summer! Also, Memorial Day is more than just the unofficial start of summer. There is a special meaning to the day, always remember Memorial Day for what it is really about.
Don't drink, drive, cause trouble, etc. I don't have bail money!
My favorite summer memory was summer camp when I was a child. I think every child should have the opportunity to go to summer camp at least once in their lives. At summer camp, I made friends with people that I am friends with to this day. I learned so much about how far I can push myself to conquer my fears. I was active, and not sitting on a couch watching daytime talk shows while the folks were at work. Summer camp gives children the opportunity to be children, and also learn a few things here and there.
Even though I'm in my 30's, I still look forward to summer. I always associate summer as being a season of opportunity and romance. Isn't there something romantic about the summer season? The warm air, the light wind, the warm sand under your feet, a night sky, the moon dancing on the water....it just seems so romantic to me.
Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys their long weekend this weekend. Happy unofficial start of summer! Also, Memorial Day is more than just the unofficial start of summer. There is a special meaning to the day, always remember Memorial Day for what it is really about.
Don't drink, drive, cause trouble, etc. I don't have bail money!
Mo'Nique's Lost 80 Pounds!
(Original article featured on: http://www.bubblews.com/news/520957-mo039nique039s-lost-80-pounds)
"The Parkers" alumni Mo'Nique is looking slimmer these days. The actress/comedian has lost a total of 80 pounds, thanks to a regimen of diet, running, walking 10,000 steps a day, sit-ups, weights, running, and yoga. Monique spoke to radio station Hot 97 FM in New York about her weight loss: "It made me say [to myself], 'OK sis, you got these babies. The twins [Jonathan and David] are 7, [stepson] Michael's 9, Shalon's 22.' And I want to meet their babies. So, I said, 'Let me stop being selfish, and eating everything.' And I ate everything . . . I was a food junkie." Mo'Nique revealed that while she was on "The Parkers," she weight around 300 pounds. Her goal is to get between 190-200 pounds. She says that she is the best Mo'Nique she has ever been in her life right now.
Congratulations on Mo'Nique for her weight loss. She looks curvy and fabulous!
Source: omg.yahoo.com/news/monique-reveals-80-pound-weight-loss-145631152.html
(photo courtesy of: media.zenfs.com/en_ca/News/AccessHollywood/188152.jpg)
"The Parkers" alumni Mo'Nique is looking slimmer these days. The actress/comedian has lost a total of 80 pounds, thanks to a regimen of diet, running, walking 10,000 steps a day, sit-ups, weights, running, and yoga. Monique spoke to radio station Hot 97 FM in New York about her weight loss: "It made me say [to myself], 'OK sis, you got these babies. The twins [Jonathan and David] are 7, [stepson] Michael's 9, Shalon's 22.' And I want to meet their babies. So, I said, 'Let me stop being selfish, and eating everything.' And I ate everything . . . I was a food junkie." Mo'Nique revealed that while she was on "The Parkers," she weight around 300 pounds. Her goal is to get between 190-200 pounds. She says that she is the best Mo'Nique she has ever been in her life right now.
Congratulations on Mo'Nique for her weight loss. She looks curvy and fabulous!
Source: omg.yahoo.com/news/monique-reveals-80-pound-weight-loss-145631152.html
(photo courtesy of: media.zenfs.com/en_ca/News/AccessHollywood/188152.jpg)
Poetry: Slipping Away
(Original article featured on: http://www.bubblews.com/news/525748-poetry-slipping-away)
I feel a storm brewing.
What is happening?
A shift in pressure makes my ears pop.
The smell of impending doom has arrived.
The sky is becoming darker,
and the wind is cold.
The wind blows against my skin,
chilling me to the bone.
A change in emotion is happening.
My heart feels heavy with burden.
Piles of stress, depression, and pain,
weighing heavily on my heart.
My breath feels heavy,
it takes all my might to breath in,
and out.
My body grows weak,
and my energy is gone.
I don't know what to do.
I'm slowly slipping away.
I feel a storm brewing.
What is happening?
A shift in pressure makes my ears pop.
The smell of impending doom has arrived.
The sky is becoming darker,
and the wind is cold.
The wind blows against my skin,
chilling me to the bone.
A change in emotion is happening.
My heart feels heavy with burden.
Piles of stress, depression, and pain,
weighing heavily on my heart.
My breath feels heavy,
it takes all my might to breath in,
and out.
My body grows weak,
and my energy is gone.
I don't know what to do.
I'm slowly slipping away.
My Thoughts on "Breaking Amish."
(Original article featured on: http://www.bubblews.com/news/538122-my-thoughts-on-quotbreaking-amishquot)
One of my guilty pleasure shows is "Breaking Amish." It debuted last year on TLC. The show follows four Amish young people, and one Mennonite woman, as they embark on a journey to New York City. There, they can explore the world around them, and figure out whether or not they want to return to their communities. In the Amish tradition, it is against the rules to venture out, especially after the age of Rumspringa("running around"), which happens at age 16. The men and women on the show were shunned by, not only their community, but, also their families, which made things monumentally difficult on these men and women.
After last season, the cast tells us that they received a TON of backlash due to leaving their communities behind. Amish and non-Amish people wreaked havoc on these men and women.
In my opinion, I do not think these men and women did anything wrong. It is a completely normal human emotion to be curious about the outside world. These folks aren't causing harm to anyone, and they are trying to make a place for themselves in the world. The drama the Amish and non-Amish people are presenting the cast is just hurtful and unnecessary. Two of the cast members fell in love and got married. One connected with her birth parents, one made her dreams come true by becoming a model in NY, and the other is just living his own life. How is that grounds for public ridicule? I understand that there are different customs in the Amish community, but, why create further trouble by going out of your way to hurt these adults? These young people left the community, move on.
One of my guilty pleasure shows is "Breaking Amish." It debuted last year on TLC. The show follows four Amish young people, and one Mennonite woman, as they embark on a journey to New York City. There, they can explore the world around them, and figure out whether or not they want to return to their communities. In the Amish tradition, it is against the rules to venture out, especially after the age of Rumspringa("running around"), which happens at age 16. The men and women on the show were shunned by, not only their community, but, also their families, which made things monumentally difficult on these men and women.
After last season, the cast tells us that they received a TON of backlash due to leaving their communities behind. Amish and non-Amish people wreaked havoc on these men and women.
In my opinion, I do not think these men and women did anything wrong. It is a completely normal human emotion to be curious about the outside world. These folks aren't causing harm to anyone, and they are trying to make a place for themselves in the world. The drama the Amish and non-Amish people are presenting the cast is just hurtful and unnecessary. Two of the cast members fell in love and got married. One connected with her birth parents, one made her dreams come true by becoming a model in NY, and the other is just living his own life. How is that grounds for public ridicule? I understand that there are different customs in the Amish community, but, why create further trouble by going out of your way to hurt these adults? These young people left the community, move on.
Tornado Destruction in the Mid-West
(Original Article featured on: http://www.bubblews.com/news/539655-tornado-destruction-in-the-mid-west-us)
Oklahoma, and four other states in the mid-west, have been dealing with devastation. A tornado outbreak has left a ton of destruction, and has killed two people. Oklahoma has been hit by tornadoes since Sunday. The tornado outbreak wrecked havoc on Illinois, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missori, and Iowa. It is estimated that sixteen tornadoes have touched down since Sunday, and that number is climbing.
On Monday, a massive tornado touched down in a more densely populated area, Oklahoma City, OK area. Afternoon sessions with Oklahoma House of Representatives, and state lawmakers were cancelled. Lawmakers and Capitol employees sought shelter in the Capitol's basement.
The picture shown is of the tornado that touched down near Oklahoma City, OK on Monday afternoon.
(photo courtesy of: fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotosakpr/971659_10151581698899197_1482506779_n.jpg)
Oklahoma, and four other states in the mid-west, have been dealing with devastation. A tornado outbreak has left a ton of destruction, and has killed two people. Oklahoma has been hit by tornadoes since Sunday. The tornado outbreak wrecked havoc on Illinois, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missori, and Iowa. It is estimated that sixteen tornadoes have touched down since Sunday, and that number is climbing.
On Monday, a massive tornado touched down in a more densely populated area, Oklahoma City, OK area. Afternoon sessions with Oklahoma House of Representatives, and state lawmakers were cancelled. Lawmakers and Capitol employees sought shelter in the Capitol's basement.
The picture shown is of the tornado that touched down near Oklahoma City, OK on Monday afternoon.
(photo courtesy of: fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotosakpr/971659_10151581698899197_1482506779_n.jpg)
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