If you are gluten free and from CT (like I am), you will be delighted by this story. A mom in Enfield looked for a way to work and be a stay-at-home mom, and a booming macaroon business was born. Stephanie Thomacos from Enfield, CT is a self-taught baker who operates her macaroon business from home. She initially started baking with her grandfather on a farm, making box cakes. As she experimented with various foods, she became inspired to make macaroons. "I used to buy them from a bakery in New Jersey. They were really expensive and I never thought I could make them, but I just decided one day to try. I loved it and decided to make a thing of it. Other people loved them and nobody else around here does it ( it's true. No one does !). It's an unsaturated market for macaroons so I decided to jump in on it . -Journal Inquirer Thomacos baked up a ton of macaroons and showcased them at a recent Farmers Market in Ellington. She sold out of her macaroons not even halfway
Recall Alert: Purely Elizabeth recalling GF granola due to possible glass, plastic, or rock contamination.
If you have a bag of Purely Elizabeth GF granola that contain cashews, and have best-by dates beginning in November and going through the end of this year, you may want to toss them. Bags that were sold at Whole Foods, Costco, Publix, Purely Elizabeth's website, Thrive Market, and Amazon are a part of the recall. If you purchased granola from Walmart or Target, you are NOT a part of the recall. Granola BARS are also not a part of the recall. Purely Elizabeth put out a statement last week regarding the recall. They are working with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on the matter. As of right now, there is no recall on the website. This story is developing.