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Beyond Scared Straight, and a Message For Teens

When you're a teenager, you have this feeling that nothing bad could ever happen to you. You pretty much feel invincible, no one can touch you. At least, this is what many out-of-control teens feel on a daily basis. They hang out with the wrong crowd, start drinking, smoking, doing drugs. They can become violent and disrespectful to peers, teachers, authority, and even their families. These teens think it's funny, and they feel "grown up" when they act in such out of control behavior. Families are at their wits end, and this is where the show, "Beyond Scared Straight" comes into play. This show follows the destructive paths of these wild teens, send them to jail for one day, where prisoners wake them up to the harsh reality that they could be facing if they continue this destructive path. Teens are processed and dressed like prisoners, and they interact with adult prisoners. These adult prisoners get into the teens' faces and give them a dosage of tough love. The teens rebel at first, but, then are completely broken down by the torment they endure from these prisoners. They become very frightened and start crying, thinking that the prisoners will fall for their crocodile tears. These prisoners may have made stupid mistakes in their lives, but, they aren't about to fall for the teens' crying act. These prisoners tell the teens their story, and try to get through to the teens that they need to live a more positive life, or else they will end up in jail.

After the experience, some of these teens make a complete turn around, and become very well-behaved young men and women. Others continue to act out, and end up exactly where the adult prisoners said they will end up: prison.

Why have I decided to write about this TV show? Because I just began to follow this show recently, and I love the idea of sending these out of control teens to prison, so they know exactly where they will be headed if they continue on this destructive path. Teens, it is NOT cute to drink, smoke, do drugs, be violent, etc. You are all so very young, and the tween and teen years go by super fast. Don't be in a rush to grow up. Enjoy being a kid. If you think being a teenager is hard, you haven't seen ANYTHING yet. Being an adult is much harder. You have NO IDEA what all those drinks and drugs are doing to your body. Sure, now, you feel just fine. Wait a few years when those toxins catch up to you and you develop serious illnesses. Teen girls, drinking, drugging, and being promiscuous, is definitely NOT CUTE. What makes you think that at 11, 12, 13 years old, that you are ready to lay down with a boy? You aren't. Sex is a very serious aspect of life, that is best left not experienced until you are much older, and in a committed relationship with a nice guy or girl. You need to hold onto your innocence until the right person comes along. You won't ever get that experience back.

Those of you who like to beat on their families, why in the heck would you beat the people that gave you life? Why would you beat your siblings, your grandparents, etc? They have not done a thing to you, except love you and raise you. I know you teens are at the age where you feel as if your parents don't understand, but, the only reason why you believe this is because you don't give them a chance to understand where you are coming from. Raising teenagers are hard for parents. Give your parents a chance, let them in. They will understand more than you think.
Also, when it comes to school, don't take your education for granted. School is not a thorn in your side. The most important aspects of life, besides love and family, is an education.

Again, why do I care so much? Because I was pretty much like you. I was violent. I drank, smoked, did drugs, and was incredibly disrespectful to everyone around me. I thought I was acting cute back then. I thought I was bad-a$$. I wasn't, and after watching "Beyond Scared Straight," I wish that I was placed in a program like that. I was lucky to have made a complete turn-around on my own. It did not come easy. I wasted my teen years acting the way I did, and I wasted a lot more than that. I regret pretty much all aspects of my teen years. It makes me angry that I treated people the way I did. It makes me angry that I wasted my education and did not care. It makes me angry that I treated my father horribly. He didn't have to take me in, but, he did, and what did I do to thank him? Be a terror. He didn't deserve that. No parent deserves that! Cherish your parents. One day, they will be gone. We all have an expiration date, and we are NOT promised another day of life. No matter what your parents have done to you, you have to respect them and be thankful to them that they gave you life.

I think every teen should watch this show, so that they know where they will go if they behave badly. I think every state should have this kind of program.

(photo courtesy of:

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