Monday, August 5, 2013

FDA Now Redefines Gluten Free Labeling!

Hey everyone. I'm sure you all heard the exciting news from last week. The FDA is requiring that gluten free foods must meet the government's new standard of labeling. Basically, things are going to get a lot easier for new and seasoned Celiacs, in terms of purchasing foods that won't get us sick.

In a press release from the FDA last week, it states that "in order to use the term "gluten-free" on its label, a food must meet all of the requirements of the definition, including that the food must contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten ( " It also states that foods claiming "no gluten" and "free of gluten," to meet the definition of gluten free.

This is amazing news for the Celiac and gluten sensitive communities. When I was first diagnosed with Celiac disease, I was completely lost, when it came to what foods I could eat. I spent a ton of time in the store, scouring the shelves, reading labels to see what I would be able to eat. I am glad that newly diagnosed Celiacs will have a much easier time finding gluten free foods.

Celiacs and those who are gluten sensitive, what do you think about the FDA ruling?

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Connecticut mom making waves with her gluten-free macaroons.

If you are gluten free and from CT (like I am), you will be delighted by this story. A mom in Enfield looked for a way to work and be a s...