A mom in Enfield looked for a way to work and be a stay-at-home mom, and a booming macaroon business was born. Stephanie Thomacos from Enfield, CT is a self-taught baker who operates her macaroon business from home.
She initially started baking with her grandfather on a farm, making box cakes. As she experimented with various foods, she became inspired to make macaroons.
"I used to buy them from a bakery in New Jersey. They were really expensive and I never thought I could make them, but I just decided one day to try. I loved it and decided to make a thing of it. Other people loved them and nobody else around here does it (it's true. No one does!). It's an unsaturated market for macaroons so I decided to jump in on it. -Journal Inquirer
Thomacos baked up a ton of macaroons and showcased them at a recent Farmers Market in Ellington. She sold out of her macaroons not even halfway through the day. The macaroons are made with sugar and almond flour, which means they are naturally gluten free! Thomacos offers 10-14 flavors of macaroons at every farmers market she goes to. She even makes them into shapes of various characters (pandas, corgis, etc).
So when does this mom find time to bake her creations?
According Thomacos, she starts baking between Wednesday and Friday, making 600-900 macaroons.
She charges $2 each, $3 for characters. If you want to stock up, a half dozen costs $11 and a dozen cost $20.
Where can you find these macaroons?
Stephanie Thomacos will be at the Ellington Farmers Market Saturdays through August 24, and at the Coventry Farmers Market every Sunday through October 22. She will also be appearing at the South Windsor market in September.
If you cannot make these appearances, she takes custom orders for baby showers and parties. She is planning to do holiday boxes as well.
Thomacos is becoming a rising star with her macaroons, selling out at nearly every farmer's market she attends.
Since I live in proximity of all these Farmer's Markets, I will be making a point to attend, and try these macaroons. Look for an upcoming post and maybe a meet and greet with Thomacos herself? Stephanie Thomacos, you are making a fellow CT citizen, and a gluten free (Celiac) proud! Can't wait to get over and meet you!
Photo- I do not own the photo. Photo is from Mama's Macs Facebook profile.